What is Professional Development?
The avenue of Professional Development mainly focuses on the individual development of the membership of Rotaract District 3220. It could be your own club membership or outside club members as well as the youth in the country as a whole. It can be identified that the professional development branches out mainly to the following areas.
- Training and Skills Development – Training workshops and active learning sessions to enhance the skills required on a professional platform, including leadership skills, communication, strategic thinking, project management skills, software tools etc.
- Personal Development – Identifying the personal strengths, weaknesses, Personal branding, Work life balance, physical and mental wellbeing, Social dancing, Personal Grooming and dining etiquette.
- Career Guidance – CV writing/interview tips, career fairs or networking opportunities and aiming to directly or indirectly assist to bridge the gap between the professional world and the youth.
“Rebranding Rotaract as a professional network for the youth”
“Enhancing the skills and capabilities of Rotaractors by providing inspiration, guidance and opportunities for personal development, as well as assisting in career development, thus making Rotaract the network hub of young professionals in Sri Lanka”
“Continuous personal and professional development is your key to the future.”
- Brian Tracy -

August 19, 2022. 5:35 AMProfessional Development
Career Track ⚡
A career is important for any individual. Regardless of the field, they work in, finding a suitable career, focusing on career growth, and thriving to build the career are things everyone is interested in doing. However, despite this common interest in finding a career that suits one’s needs, many people fail to find their ideal job due to reasons like not knowing how to face an interview properly, not being
June 7, 2022. 7:31 PMProfessional Development
Coin Control
Life does not only depend on money; human beings should focus on a balanced lifestyle. The Rotaract Club of Kandy organized a professional development project ‘Coin Control’ in order to discuss a very important topic, which could also be considered as a need in order to keep life going better and organized. The project chair was PM Gaurangi Samaraweera and Finance was the secondary avenue. The project was held on

January 29, 2022. 7:30 PMProfessional Development
Virtual Voice
If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives. As such is how important public speaking and presentation skills are. Even though speaking in public is a skill that many do not tend to improve, it is proven that people who are fearless to make a point in public with confidence are much likely to move forward in the ever developing world. The project

December 14, 2020. 8:16 AMProfessional Development
Blueprint According to Collins dictionary blueprint is described as “a plan or set or proposals that shows how it is expected to work”. Collins dictionary continues to explain that “A blueprint of an architect’s building plans or a designer’s patter is a photographic print consisting of white lines on a blue background”. Furthermore, it is also introduced in a different context when “A genetic blueprint is a pattern which is

October 24, 2020. 7:46 AMProfessional Development
Report Writing101
Report Writing101 The class is in session. “Report Writing 101” trained the members of the Rotaract Club of Kandy on how to be a winner in report writing. It is important that we are precise, sophisticated and skilled in writing. The goal is not just writing to narrate but writing to communicate and to be clearly understood. When not given a chance to speak writing becomes the voice. And it

October 24, 2020. 7:28 AMProfessional Development
Dive in Google
Dive in Google Another chapter in COVID thriller unfolds. Living with technology is no longer an alien concept anymore as The Rotaract Club of Kandy proudly and successfully conducted several important events online in an attempt to move forward with the new way of living. The new normal way of living brings us to the topic of how we can utilize the technology at hand for our advantage. The age
June 14, 2020. 6:47 AMProfessional Development
Reignite, Reinvent, Recover
Technological enhancement created a significant impact on the everyday life of human beings. As technology improves the societies adapted to survive along with that. The platform of the new technology has positives as well as negatives. What we need to discover is to get the optimum benefits from technological advancements. Unexpected crisis teaches us to begin life in a new direction. The pandemics will show a path to reignite your
June 9, 2020. 6:40 AMProfessional Development
Wave off Corona
The project was to be planned to be held as a value addition to the joint meeting with the Kandy Rotary family. Corona has been put the entire country in a lockdown for nearly 2 months. To be safe from this pandemic, awareness about it is a key. The Rotary Clubs of the district 3220 has come up with a major awareness campaign named as ‘Stop the spread to overcome

May 10, 2020. 6:19 AMProfessional Development
Photography workshop
With the focus on professional development among remembers the project idea to organize a Photography workshop: on basics on Lightroom Mobile Application was introduced. The increased interest on photography and photo editing among people inspired the idea and reassured the success of the project. Therefore, an interactive session on Lightroom Mobile – Mobile photo editing software basics with Ganidu Balasuriya, a popular landscape and architectural photographer was organized to be

May 2, 2020. 10:05 AMProfessional Development
Rotaract Awareness Session
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Learning about Rotaract and about our parent club, Rotary is important as Rotaractors. Every year the Rotaract Club of Kandy organizes a Rotaract Awareness session for its members including the prospective members. Due to the current pandemic situation due to COVID-19, this year awareness session was held via Google meet, online platform on the 2nd of May 2020, where all our members joined with enthusiasm. The program was conducted by

February 2, 2020. 12:29 PMProfessional Development
Bee Farming Workshop
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Project “Bee Farming”, held on the 02nd of February 2020 at the Rotary center in Augustawatta, was conducted by Mr. Mahinda Wijesena on the vital role played by bees to keep the nature alive and how we too can engage in Bee farming and contribute to their growth, while also finding an additional source of income and a valuable hobby. The members were very excited and enthusiastic to learn about

August 25, 2019. 8:46 AMProfessional Development
Rejoice the splendid moves with my feet
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]”Rejoice the splendid moves with my feet” a Dancing workshop conducted by Mr. Langston Comester Perera and his wife of Strict Tempo Dance School for the members of the Rotaract Club of Kandy on 25th of August at Kandy Club[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][apress_photo_gallery images=”5076,5077,5078,5080,5081″ image_gutter=”10″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

May 30, 2019. 6:27 AMProfessional Development
Fact of the Week
A project in initiated by the Rotaract Club of Kandy which gives the members every week a knowledgeable fact which might involve any stream starting from mathematics to environmental geography. After a brief discussion with the members of the team Kandy, the project was executed agreeing that that members will send in the question which they are curious about or wondering about the statistics to the project chair person must

May 29, 2019. 6:32 AMProfessional Development
Future Leaders
Passion drives us to achieve our dreams and goals. We, the Kandy team strives to do our very best and to show our true colors to others. Our passion is none other than building up a wonderful world for the generations to come. But what is passion if not for a combination of sheer enthusiasm, energy, creativity and patience coupled with confidence and dedication. A leadership development project was organized
April 28, 2019. 6:36 AMProfessional Development
What Happens Next
The objective of the project is to give the members of the Rotaract club of Kandy a brief idea on the procedures and steps that are taken after blood has been donated by a donor to the blood bank. The project was conducted right after the annual blood donation which was conducted on the 27th of April 2019. The project was executed in the blood bank of Peradeniya teaching hospital.

December 2, 2018. 6:43 AMProfessional Development
STD Awareness
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The seminar was conducted by Dr.Rukshan Karunarathne which benefited the clubs Rotaract club of Kandy and the Rotaract club of university of Peradeniya. The objective of the project was to give an awareness and education regarding Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are transferred from one person to another through sexual contact. The session provided a good understanding in STD diseases and the members were also
November 23, 2018. 7:46 AMProfessional Development
Splendorous Women
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It is significant project conducted by team Kandy falling under Human resource development. The project was conducted by Rtn. Avanthi Karunarathne. The workshop was conducted along with the interact club of Mahamaya Girls College Kandy. The project was held on the 22nd of November chaired by the prospective member Ravindi Karunanayake. The objective of the session was to develop personality and freely expressing the opinions of the young crowd.

November 12, 2018. 5:44 AMProfessional Development
Graphic Designing workshop
The project mainly focused on teaching the fellow retractors of the Kandy team on how to operate with the basic tools of Photoshop. The project was conducted by Rtr. Afkhan 11th of November and done in 2 sessions one after the other. The tools that were used were MS PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop. The first session was on how to create a simple poster using MS PowerPoint which was conducted

October 29, 2018. 6:05 AMProfessional Development
Find your way in collaboration with Imperial College
An educational and a career guidance program which was held on the 28th of October 2018 at Kandy Club from Mr.Shehan Senevirathne from Imperial College to give the members of the Rotaract Club of Kandy a better idea about the services they are wishing to provide. The session was very interactive and during the session our members were given opportunity to ask questions based on career and future benefits that they

August 6, 2018. 6:21 AMProfessional Development
Classification Talk
It is a significant project which initiated by the Rotaract club of Kandy falling under Human resource development. The objective of the project was to give career guidance to the members of team Kandy. In order to achieve, the members from the club itself who were currently employed in different jobs, were chosen. This in turn gave the members a better idea in choosing their career paths and too thick
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