[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Donating blood is a vital way to help save lives. Blood donation affects more lives than some are aware of, it may have helped your family, friends, or neighbors; it is a subject everyone should be concerned about. All lives matter and we must therefore put in the effort required to ensure that we try and save lives of the needed.

While others focus on the number of pints ,we focused on the real Heroes behind these pints .
The project “You are a HERO” was done successfully, together with the Peradeniya Hospital Blood Bank and the Interact Club of Kingswood College Kandy .

The ceremony was organized to recognize and appreciate the Blood Donors who have donated blood over 30 times. More than 50 donors showed up to the event on the 6th of September 2019. They were given a healthy breakfast followed by an awareness program on how to maintain their life in a healthy manner. At last they were given a valid certificate and a token of appreciation for their great service towards the society.

Through this project we were able to show gratitude to these silent heroes whose donations have made a big difference in the lives of many patients throughout these years. And also we believe that this initiative would help influence others to contribute to this great cause and donate blood to save lives.

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