Dive in Google
Another chapter in COVID thriller unfolds. Living with technology is no longer an alien concept anymore as The Rotaract Club of Kandy proudly and successfully conducted several important events online in an attempt to move forward with the new way of living. The new normal way of living brings us to the topic of how we can utilize the technology at hand for our advantage. The age of online sessions, paperless spreadsheets, real time editing is upon us all.
Therefore, with that in mind, The Rotaract Club of Kandy organized a webinar to educate and familiarize the club members with what Google has to offer. There is an increase in the utilization of online platforms when conducting our day to day activities. And as a Professional Development project the project Dive in Google was held on the 26th of July, 2020 via an online platform with the participation of the club members of the Rotaract Club of Kandy. The webinar was conducted by one of our very own Past Presidents now a Rotarian who is loved by everyone, Rtn. Tilani Subasinghe. She shared her knowledge about the subject among the club members who were delighted to have her as a host.
Despite COVID-19 spreading all across the globe, daily lives of people move forward with adjustments on how they conduct their business. The vehicle is moving and we need to know how to drive specially in these unprecedented times. In the pre-COVID era, physical offices and classrooms were the norm. But no more as the new normal way of living demands virtual classrooms and virtual meetings and working at home. In order to be more efficient and productive, it is important that the members of The Rotaract Club of Kandy are educated about the functionalities that Google offer such as Google Docs, Goggle sheets, Google meets, Google slides and many other features of Google. In the session Rtn. Tilani Subasinghe explained and gave an informative session about the features of Google and how the members could use these to ease their day today activities
Pre-COVID era demands each and everyone to be tech-savvy, smart and efficient. The world is evolving at a speed faster than the bullet train. And if we are reluctant to incorporate the changes into our lives we will fall behind and it will be too late. Therefore, before being too late the Rotaract club of Kandy launched head fast into the tech fast future.